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Do You Have Serious Mental Health Concerns?

 We offer a partial hospitalization program in Lewisville, Coppell, TX and the DFW area

At Redeem Recovery Centers, our partial hospitalization program (PHP) combines therapeutic interventions and activities to help people improve their mental health. Whether you have mood disorders, anxiety, PTSD or substance abuse disorders, we’re passionate about steering you in the right direction. Our outpatient facility in Lewisville, TX serves adolescents, children and geriatric patients from all around the Coppell, DFW area. We’ll work closely with you to prepare you for the next steps in your recovery process.

Visit us today to join our partial hospitalization program.

A woman with long red hair is standing in front of a tree and looking at the camera.

Take a deeper dive into our PHP therapy

Are you wondering what to expect from our PHP therapy services in Lewisville, Coppell, TX and the DFW area? You should note that:

  • Our program lasts for 30 days
  • We offer treatment for five hours a day, five days a week
  • Once you’re finished, you’ll go to our intensive outpatient program

If you have any questions about PHP therapy at Redeem Recovery Centers, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’ll be glad to discuss our program with you in greater detail.

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